Sunday, May 3, 2009

resizing pictures for your blog

Jen asked about this on my last post (hi, Jen!) and since I've written it out in email a few times before, I decided it would be a good idea to write it out here. If you already know how, skip this. Or better yet, if you know any different ways (or shortcuts! I love shortcuts!), leave them in the comments.

making pictures large isn't hard, but it is a bit of a process. I'm going to assume photoshop, photobucket and blogger for this, because that's what I use, so that's what I know how to use.

step one: resizing your photo.
  • go to image>image size.

  • enter the exact size you want your photo to appear. save.

  • my verticals are usually 400 pixels wide, my horizontals 700.

  • I created resizing actions to make this step even quicker.

step two: photohosting.

  • if you have not already, sign up for a photohosting sight. (I use photobucket-it's free and very user-friendly.)

  • upload your sized photo.

  • underneath the thumbnail of you newly uploaded picture, click on and copy the 'direct link' code.

step three: blogger

  • click on the same 'load pictures' icon you normally would.

  • there are two empy boxes. Paste the code in 'add image from web', on the right.

  • behold! large pictures.

possible step four:

  • depending on your blog template, large horizontals might not fit inside the main column. in order to fix this, switch to 'edit html' mode while composing in blogger.

  • locate the main column. if you are unfamiliar with html (like me) an easy way to do this is to add text and then look for it.

  • adjust pixel width to accomodate.

the end. I hope that helps!

(I was serious about the short cuts though; for reals, share.)


Ashley said...

I do the same. After I copy the html code from photobucket I just paste it where I am typing my post. Not sure if that makes the process any quicker though. I would also encourage those interested in sharpening their photos before placing them on the web, I personally think it makes a huge difference.
Thanks, good post.

Shari said...

I was just wondering about that the other day. Thanks for the info!