Monday, April 25, 2005

Uncomfortably Close to Waddling:

I've been telling Chris that whenever I run into people who haven't seen me in awhile, they all assume I'm going to have this baby any day, due to the fact that I am SO INCREDIBLY HUGE.

SERIOUSLY, PEOPLE! E-NOR-MOUS. It's not a pretty sight.

So, it was nice when last night at a family dinner for Christofer's birthday Shannon turned to me and said, "I think you're a really pretty pregnant lady."

So kind. So reassuring. For maybe two hours I didn't feel like some strange breed of over-fed, land-walking whale.

But that nice feeling vanished later in the evening when I overheard my very forgetful grandma and my husband have the following conversation:

G-ma (looking at me): Do we need to take Elizabeth to the hospital? Is that baby going to come?

Chris:No, grandma. Not for another two months.

G-ma: Oh, that's right. That's right. (pause) Do you think she could be carrying twins?

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