Friday, September 28, 2007

the reds, they scare me

Kat: ... and DingDong is driving me crazy, she keeps tell me her dreams--and, ugh! People telling you dreams is so annoying!

Lincoln: yeah. I hate that.

Me: Hey! I tell you about my dreams all the time! I was just going to tell you about the one I had last night.

Kat: No, see, she does it in excessive, obnoxious, boring detail, like: "Last night I had this dream, that my baby was going to be a boy, and it was weird because, I've never dreamed about it having a gender, we don't know what the gender is yet, right? but this time it was a boy, which, I don't know, I don't think it's a boy, but it could be, right? So I was sitting with my baby at our house, doing nothing, just suprised he was a boy," and she won't stop talking.


Me: Last night I dreamt I was being chased by communists.

Kat: ...

Lincoln: ...

Kat: and that's how you tell a dream.


Jon said...

My companion once dreamt he was a gargoyle. And as such, he was sent home from his mission.

Leah Vanessa said...

Once Jon dreamed I was President. I feel good about that.

Lincoln said...

Umm...I'm confused. Did this happen at Olive Garden last time I was home?

kat said...

of course you don't remember it.
it didn't revolve around you.


Lincoln said...

speaking of revolving...your mother has twinkies revolving around her. she's so fat she pulls in all the food she likes with her gravity force.

kat said...

i just wish your mom would take a shower so the flies would stop revolving around her.

Fat eSpence said...

I once dreamed I was superman. But it was also one of those "no pants" dreams.