Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Just got back in town two hours ago, and have been busy unpacking and restocking the fridge in preparation for Operation: Resume Child-Rearing.

we drink a lot of milk.

tomorrow I will return to our regularly scheduled posting, beginning with a discussion of this all-important question:

how many pina coladas is too many pina coladas?

(answer: I have no idea, but 5 in one day is getting close.)

ps. magnum! ...it's beautiful!


Em said...

you went from 5 pina coladas to 6 gallons of milk. combine that with the jet lag and... ouch. i'm glad you enjoyed your trip. did you see any turtles? i love turtles.

The Hungry Homemaker said...

First of all, I am way envious of wherever you went without your children, and second...I am glad to see someone who drinks as much milk as we do:)

Katie Lane said...

We drink tons of milk too. Where did you guys go?! Looks so fun.

Turley Family said...


Heather said...

Liz, that really is a lot of milk. Also, I need to buy you a birthday dinner. Work with me.