I'm so boring today, it hurts me.
so, guess what! we're going to talk about my shoes.
it's my default topic, I can't help it.
and if you have no interest in listening to me ramble on and on about my shoes, go
here instead.
(you're welcome.)
so. I made this goal during the
GCP that I would not acquire any more shoes this year. I mean, not that I wouldn't get any new shoes at all (what am I, made of will power?) but rather that the number of shoes in my closet would stay constant.
To this end I kept a bunch of the shoes I was going to get rid of so I could have the satisfaction of switching them out with new, improved pairs.
For example, I had these beauties lurking on my bottom shelf:
When I bought these shoes in 1997, I thought they were AMAZING. I don't think I've actually worn them since 1999, when I realized that they were, in fact, NOT amazing, but I've kept them because they seemed like a little time capsule into 16-year-old me and I always thought it would have been cool to see what my mom wore as a teenager. But they are the only thing I've managed to hold onto because I love to throw old stuff away, and frankly I want the closet space.
sorry, Ivy.
let's just take a moment and appreciate the fact that those shoes are 12-years-old.
They were by far the oldest thing in my closet.
(unless Chris owns older stuff? he might. that guy does NOT appreciate my love of throwing old stuff away.)
That was a long story.
Goodbye shoes. I replaced you with these:
sneakers or tennis shoes: the eternal debate.
Which camp do you fall in?
next: I'm not really sure why I bought these, since platform flip-flops are unacceptable on anyone over 13, and questionable even then:
oh, well. at some point, we've all made regrettable shoes decisions.
right? RIGHT?
and look at how pretty these are:
in conclusion, I would like to say that I enjoy shoes.
a lot.
and also, I acknowledge that I spend an embarrassing amount of time talking about them.
and also, I'm glad it's Saturday and no one will check my blog.
...that is all.