Friday, December 4, 2009


Listen. I have been shopping at Costco for a year and a half now, and all I want to know is, WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT THE CHURROS?


Unknown said...

Churros are universally known as the only way to get a small child through COSTCO completely happy the entire time. 1 Churro can last approximately 1 sweep through COSTCO.

Natalie Wright said...

You can buy a box of fifty for twenty five bucks and cook them at home...

Not that I have ever bought that many before...

okay, I have.

Katie Lane said...
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Katie Lane said...

That is the only way we make it through Costco without screaming and whining. Churro at the end.
Now I dread the day when they realize that we all don't have to share one...

Ashley said...

someone once told me their hot dogs are amazing to.

Lindsay Anne Hatfield said...

yeah, someone told me about the hot dogs, too. and they also told me about the pizza and frozen yogurt.

Jamie said...

Um, because whenever I mention that my child DOWNS an entire hotdog by herself, you always say you buy the HEALTHY turkey wrap for your kids!

Spliz said...

I'll still make them eat the healthy turkey wrap. the churro is for me.

Unknown said...

I will clarify. It's the polish sausages that are awesome. I know from first hand experience...well...several first hand experiences.