Thursday, January 15, 2009

compare and contrast

This is how the boys entertained themselves yesterday morning.

For hours.

How to jump off a bed like Michael:
first get everyone's attention.

then the wind-up.

don't forget the kung-fu action. we basically don't do anything in this house without a little kung-fu action first.

then, launch!

How to jump off a bed like William:

"You want me to what? Okay!"

What do you think it all means? Michael has a specific style.

William is all about the height.

the end.


Ashley said...

I have been shooting in manual. Tricky for me indoors with lower lighting. I would love for you to post what your iso setting and other setting were set at or around when you shoot your pictures... please Liz, teach me. Louk loved looking at these pics. He says Michael looks like a "bad guy" in his kung fu stance.

kat said...

what's your technique? because i like to think that you totally get in the mix.

Chris said...

so...why is Michael still in his pj's and William is not? I've been seeing this lately in your photos. Michael doesn't seem to get dressed as often as William.

Turley Family said...

looks like a fun morning at your house!